Preparing for Spring Motorcycle Rides
Spring is one of the best times of the year for bikers everywhere. This is the perfect opportunity to take those leisurely rides you’ve been thinking about all winter. Before getting back on the road, here are a few steps to ensure that you and your motorcycle are fully prepared.
Getting Your Bike Out of Winter Storage
Seasoned bikers may already have their process for preparing to get back on the roads, but here are tips for those who are new to owning a motorcycle or need a refresher.
If you had your bike in storage:
- Check on
- Lines, chains, sprockets, and the airbox.
- Oil and brake fluid.
- Tires – make sure they are properly inflated, and the tread isn’t worn down.
- Lights.
- Ensure you have proper and adequate insurance in place, including uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage (UM/UIM).
- Consider taking a Motorcycle Training or Motorcycle Safety course as a refresher or as a first-time rider (you may get insurance discounts for passing a safety course, too).
If something seems out of place or improperly maintained, call a motorcycle repair shop to have it looked at. Remember, safety should always come first.
Safe Driving
Once you make sure the bike is good to go, you also need to get back into the riding habits before the cold weather came. Clear roads often mean motorists driving at higher speeds, so you need to make sure you are prepared for any potential situations. Here are some of our best tips for staying safe on the roads this spring:
- Wear a helmet. D.C., Virginia, and Maryland require all motorcycle riders (both drivers and passengers) to wear helmets.
- Wear protective eyewear. This is required in D.C., Virginia, and Maryland unless your bike has a windscreen.
- Wear proper clothing, including closed-toe footwear.
- Watch your speed. More than 35% of motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes were speeding.
- Don’t drink and drive. BAC limits apply to motorcycles, as well as cars and trucks.
Use Defensive Driving Strategies
No matter the time of year, all motorists should drive defensively. For bikers, this means:
- Don’t assume that other drivers can see you. One of the most common reasons car or truck drivers give for cutting off or pulling out in front of a motorcycle is that they “didn’t see it.”
- Stay out of blind spots.
- Keep headlights, markers, and taillights on at all times, particularly at dusk and in dark or rainy weather.
- Signal early and often.
- Be cautious of multiple-way stops and turning vehicles.
You can view more motorcycle safety tips from the National Safety Council here.
If You’re Injured, Hire an Expert
Regardless if you are a seasoned motorcycle rider or newer to the hobby, accidents happen. If you or a loved one are injured, Weiner, Spivey & Miller, PLC is here to help.
Our attorneys, several of whom are long-term motorcycle enthusiasts, have decades of advocating for victims of motorcycle accidents. With dozens of multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts, we are dedicated to getting our clients the best possible outcome. If we can assist you or your loved one, please call 703-273-9500 or fill out the form on our website to schedule a consultation.