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What makes interstate crashes near Fairfax so common?

On Behalf of | Jul 4, 2024 | Car Accidents

Crashes are a daily occurrence in the Fairfax area. Crashes can cause traffic delays, property damage and serious injuries to the people involved – -and the consequences of a motor vehicle collision can be expensive and can drastically alter someone’s daily life. 

Some of the worst crashes in the area occur on the local interstates. Fairfax County sees more deadly collisions than any other county in Virginia, and highway traffic contributes a lot to those statistics. For example, I-95 between Exit 160A and 166A is one of the deadliest stretches of road in the state. Interstate 495, also known as the Capital Beltway, Interstate 66 and Interstate 395 also all see quite a few wrecks. 

What do drivers in the Fairfax area need to know about intersection crashes? 

The risks of the road increase on interstates

When looking objectively at how drivers behave on interstates, it is easy to see why crashes are more of a concern on such roads. Between the higher speed limits and the greater percentage of motor vehicles exceeding those speeds, the risk for crashes is already higher on an interstate than on most other roads. 

Additionally, the overall density of the traffic on the road is a consideration that people cannot ignore. The more vehicles there are near each other, the greater the possibility of a severe or life-altering collision. Interstates typically have traffic moving in one direction, which reduces the risk of a catastrophic head-on collision. 

However, many other types of crashes can occur. Underride crashes where drivers strike semi-trucks and multi-vehicle wrecks frequently occur on interstates. Higher levels of commercial traffic are also a consideration. 

Highway hypnosis is another factor that people cannot overlook if they want to optimize their own safety. Drivers can have a hard time remaining alert and focused when driving in relatively monotonous environments. While it isn’t practical to simply cease driving on interstates, highways and freeways, drivers may benefit from acknowledging how risky these roads can potentially be. 

People who prioritize safety and statutory compliance on the freeway can potentially reduce their risk of a serious motor vehicle accident. Those who do end up involved in interstate crashes may need assistance holding the drivers at fault accountable for causing a wreck.
